Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tour Guide Me

Lynthia's KTT friends came over to Miri for a visit and Lynthia recruited Joaquina and I to become the drivers.

We started with breakfast at Yakin then to Curtin University then to Grand Old Lady then to lunch at Mdm Wee's then to Bintang Megamall then to go around the town area and then finally to Luak Esplanade.

Whoa! Kind of fun and also tiring.. along the tour, my car broke down. Sweat.


LX said...

Shhh.. it is a dangerous world. Don't blog about work. Later your boss find out.

g0hy|3 said...

I try not to ... but I cant resist talking about it 'cause it is my main activity nowadays... Will curb it. :D