When I first read about it on Lynnx's blog, I was thrilled. This is a chance to actually earn online money in RM. No longer do I have fret about how to get the payment etc. etc. etc.
I have always been interested to earn extra cash. To be able to earn some cash from my blog is actually great considering that I dont really have to do much but write more blog posts.
I have joined a few online advertising services. But more than often, I find it hard to fully-utilise the services. They are just not 'friendly' to me. It seems so confusing to me.
Advertlets is actually so easy to sign on and apply. I cant believe how fuss-free it is.
I look forward to earnextra cash from Advertlets.com!!
Yay! Way to go!
(But remember to email Asvertlets informing that you've done the review to claim your RM50 :)
yupe, emailed them...hopefully will get the money very soon
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