Sunday, July 19, 2009


Today has been busy for me. Loads of eating. From the early Dian Bian Hu to 10am Dim Sum to 12 noon lunch to 2pm fried dumpling to 3pm mango pies.

Aunty Leng wanted to make the fried dumpling and asked me to experiment it with her. I didnt realise how rusty and amateurish is my cooking skill. So, anyways, I went over to Yi Po's house after parting with Jac and Cafe 2020 Dim hour earlier than my intended arrival time. And, I found myself looking at Yi Po working in the kitchen to prepare lunch and the materials for the fried dumplings. From the pics above, I guessed it looks like we were successful. But the truth is that... we failed miserably. First of all, these are China fried dumplings and so it is different than Taiwanese fried dumplings. Second of all, when Aunty Leng said experiment, it was really experimenting. No one knows how to do it. :p I am not sure that we will attempt this any time soon.

Due to the miserable failure, Aunty Leng made a comeback with her fabulous Mango Pie (I think it is more like Mango Popias. oh wait~! Mango Pie maybe right if you think of it in term of McD).

Different way to enjoy mango. Yummy~

After that non-stop eating, I finally stopped eating. Helped Yi Po to water some of her plants and... you will not believe this. I helped to harvest the tapiocas...

Finally... I have some skills. My cooking skills are so amateur-ish compared to Yi Po and Aunty Leng. Who am I kidding? How to compare myself to these two cooking pros?! Thank goodness, I have gardening skills. Wipe sweats. Yi Po was beginning to think that I am a total failure as a woman. Hehe...

At one point - after pulling out the second tapioca tree, I was so dizzy that I think I was about to pass out. But I didnt. Phew~

Got to find a time to ask Yi Po to give me cooking lesson and baking lesson. Need to train my cooking skills. Too amateur and rusty already.

1 comment:

lynnx01 said...

My friend say girls should learn cooking to 'increase' their value. I think ah.. I am too lazy!! Hahahahaha. Learn cooking on DS enough la. Jamie Oliver.