Thursday, February 09, 2006

One Thousand Bloggers

Joined this community before Chinese New Year...erm..for what reason? How do I even stumble upon this place...

Trying to recall back...

I was reading someone's blog and then clicked on the link to go to someone else's blog and she happens to be the No.1 in the community. After reading thru the FAQs, I decided that I will join in just for the fun of it. I think I was among the first 50 to join.

Didnt think much about it. Then, I realised (from looking at someone else's blog that I clicked from onethousandbloggers) that it is such a big honour (I guess) so I decided to blog about it.

I chose spot no.20 'cause I am born on the 20th.

The offer to get a free spot is still available...So, sign up le...
Oh! Surprised to see lynnx is already there at spot no.186...when did you sign up, lynnx? Spot 186 is refering to ur birthdate, course...haha...too bad they dotn have 2011...haha...


jazz said...

eh.. what is the one thousand bloggers for? sounds interesting and i like to try but how do u join? why the need for photo?

LX said...

ning jie, i joined after i kaypo kaypo saw the link on ur blog.. the pics are so small, can barely see! and yup 186, me number.. good thing ah wei doesn't blog.. if not he berebut-rebut 186 with me? haha ok crappy la me.

jas, u've got to give photo so that ppl can see ur super tiny pic on the - go check the site for instructions.

g0hy|3 said...

Yea...u need to resize the photo to the required size...i regret putting that pic there..i wonder if i can ask them to change it for me..have to make my pic brighter...