Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ultimate Green Tea Challenge

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Ultimate Jasmine Green Tea Challenge! Our purpose is to decide the best ready-made jasmine green tea available in the market.
The competitors are:-
Sundrop Green Tea, Yeo's Green Tea, Pokka Green Tea and Heaven and Earth Green Tea.

The judges are:-

Lynthia, Lynnx, Lynna, Yuanz (not in the pic) and me (not in the pic as well)

The tasting process begins...

As you can see in the pic, yuanz and I are still not in the pic..Cause yuanz is distributing the cards and I am the photographer as well.

The result by majority votes is Heaven and Earth Green Tea.

- Sundrop's has a weird lingering after-taste...
- Pokka and Yeo's are the common brand we can find in Malaysia's market. Lynthia and Lynnx voted for these two brands (If I remember correctly)
- Yuanz and I voted for H & E...

Btw, Mum liked Sundrop which Lynthia and I protested to have a weird after-taste...

Hehe...Whatever it is, dont drink Sundrop's green tea...hehe


ningxrainbow said...

Din ask me ~! I also want to try and play the cards with you all too...this new haven ply cards and haven 'tu buo'( money to tu buo a..)

ningxrainbow said...


LX said...

i think i said the sundrop is nice.... lol but really, the heaven and earth is the nicest la! spore brand mar.. some more meepit so gila spore stuff now.. so must support spore more. ok this is quite crappy!