Friday, September 11, 2009


First of all, congratulations to both Davis and Irene! And thank you for inviting me to be one of the bridemaids.

As you can see from the pic attached with this post, I have some serious curls on my head. I went to have my hair tie up by stylist and... when i took off all 34 hair pins, I had this curls (and impossible-to-untangle tangles).

Hmm... Actually, I am feeling hungry at the moment. Woke up at 5am. Not idea why I cant get back to sleep. Maybe I just go lie back down again.. Hehe...


ningxrainbow said...


LingDi said...

nice curls!! u should consider having ur hair permed!
i wanna see pics too! hehe

jazz said...

such nice curls ler. almost cudnt recognize u.

g0hy|3 said...

nanotay, what pics you want to see?

lingdi, despite of looking good in curls, I still think that it doesnt suit my style aka super casual. And... curls need a lot of constant maintenance.

jazz, I also cant recognise myself after i washed off the makeup. haha...

Anonymous said...

yeah hon.. u should consider perming ur hair.. casual chicks do have permed hair.. *wink2* -jeng-