Thursday, July 07, 2005

"Fang Fei Zi"

Can someone tell me what does that mean?

Easy...Someone just left you hanging to do something else instead of the something promised earlier.

I am simply very angry because i showed my dedication to my FAMILY and instead I get the aeroplane. Yeah! How "wonderful"! This is what I get for giving up my time and money.

Note that I am putting the blame on myself. Maybe I should change my priority. Apologies from any party will not do anything. I wish I can say 'Dun find me, I will find you" But i cant. Cause I probably wouldnt find you at all.

I find this really ridiculuous. What the f*** is what I wanted to say now.

Is it because I never have a temper before? So easy to be bullied around? Easy to be boss around?

This is the reality now. I am just keeping it all inside. Dont go thinking that you are all superior and all. Just because I dun go caring what you are doing to me, it doesnt mean you can go do anything you like.

Now, is it that scary? The one who gave the worries....I was letting off my are not in danger....Nor am I severing my connection with you...You are most probably sitting comfortably at home using your laptop at this moment. Me? I am outside. Where? Does it even matter? My mum thought that I am working overtime at the office.
Honestly, I was going to work. But I decided not to.
Just dont do it again.

Remember "peng you se me dou ke yi" It certainly applies to you. jJst there is no friend. Even i am not sure what is it.

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