Firstly, I went to eat McD with Joanna... Actually... the point of talking about this about the french fries and the veggie.
Why french fries? If you can look closely at the french fries, it is sort of spotted with black peppers. The cashier guy actually gave me around ten packet-lets of the black pepper and I sprinkled about six pack-lets onto the fries. Hehe... No taste though. :P
Why veggie? Veggie is for the veggie in the foldover. Recently, my mind keeps on telling me to eat more veggie. But I was craving for McD... So naturally, chicken foldover became my choice of meal. :P
I am so hungry right now that I use the "Edit Html" version of composing to write this post
Then, there is this trip to Brunei. Sort of talk about it for quite some time... But it was confirmed till the night before the trip. Only three of us and I think the main point is to eat Excapade's food. This time, I didnt order the set meal or a bowl. Instead, I ordered the separate plates type. Unagi... Yummy... Hmm... Somehow, I cant remember or see this sushi I wanted to eat le... But it is good enough. After the food, we went window shopping. Time passed surprisingly fast le. We didnt feel the time slipping through. It is weird that when we went shopping at Singapore, we are so conscious of the time and how slow it is. But when we are in Miri or Brunei, it is so different. Time actually went past very fast and... we dont feel tired le~!
Right after the Brunei trip, we have this tempura/ fried food craving. Most possibly because of the very pepperly and disappointing crab tempura. :P
Anyways, we went to get the chicken wings and prawns... Around 8 something pm, we had this frying session at my place. Kelvin brought his deep fryer because... my wet kitchen has been out of operation for around half a year and I am too lazy tired to clean it up for frying session. -_- After the frying, it is makan time... Then it is Rummy Time... Hehehe... Gosh... Have to "puasa" Rummy for another two weeks le... Oh dear... The Fry Session actually continues on the next day. This time it is fried mushrooms and prawns... Err... Dont ever go mushroom-frying. Ohmigosh... It is just too much. Possibly because too much fried food already though.. Hehe...
Erm... currently.. well... Actually just completed my long-awaited assignment in the office. Apart from going to work when I am supposed to be on leave, I have cancelled my leave to complete the assignment. Such "sacrifice" is nothing because I can still claim the leave some other days. Didnt have anything planned anyways... Right now, I am officially (finally) on another long leave. Hehe... Still need to do my stuff that is piling up at home.
3 comments: you edit the picture..i dunno sister dun want to teach me..
I used Google Picasa. U can download it from the link I have put in my blog... the one below the chatterbox.
Check if u have the program first before u download though..
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